Agile, Scrum, Kanban & DevOps
Agile Coach Professional Certificate ACPC®
Agile Coach Professional Certificate ACPC® е за тези, които искат да научат и прилагат коучинг умения за намиране и управление на необходимите промени и по този начин да постигнат поставените цели. Коучингът е дисциплина, която се състои в разрешаване на проблеми, позволяващи личен и професионален растеж, създаване на информираност, подобряване комуникация и постигане на изключителни резултати в живота, професионално, в компании или в начинания.
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User Stories Foundations Certificate USFC™
Потребителските истории (User Stories) са мощно средство за насърчаване на сътрудничеството и създаване на връзка между потребителите и разработчиците на продукти или услуги. Тази връзка е първата голяма стъпка към създаването на продукти, които влияят положително на хората, които ги използват, и дори променят, за да подобрят начина си на живот.
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ScrumLearn® Scrum Developer Certified
The Scrum Developer Certified course provides candidates with the necessary knowledge of the key tools and techniques needed to develop quality products iteratively and incrementally as required by Scrum. In addition, the course prepares participants for the Certification Scrum Developer (also known as Certified Scrum Developer - CSD) exam for the equivalent Scrum Developer certification.
This course is provided by iLEARN / iCONS and will help you pass the ScrumLearn® Scrum Developer Certified exam and get certified.
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Scrum for Operations & DevOps Expert Certified (SODEC™)
***Гаранция за успех: ако не успеете да преминете изпита, имате право на още 2 опита безплатно!***
Scrum for Operations & DevOps Expert Certified (SODEC™) включва онлайн курс с 180 дни неограничен достъп, изпит и сертификат.
Получете престижния международно признат сертификат Scrum for Operations & DevOps Expert Certified (SODEC™) бързо, лесно и удобно, изцяло онлайн.
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Scrum Developer Certified (SDC™)
***Гаранция за успех: ако не успеете да преминете изпита, имате право на още 2 опита безплатно!***
Scrum Developer Certified (SDC™) включва онлайн курс с 180 дни неограничен достъп, изпит и сертификат.
Получете престижния международно признат сертификат Scrum Developer Certified (SDC™) бързо, лесно и удобно, изцяло онлайн.
В наличност
AgileLearn® Agile Master Certified
Agilelearn® Agile Master Certified is a cross-practice qualification aimed at providing the knowledge needed to optimally leverage all the elements of the Agile "umbrella" and finally to improve project success or business-as-usual performances. In particular, it helps to classify and find the right mix of agile practices to manage the products, handle software development, organize and manage the flow of work, or use hybrid approaches.
This course is provided by iLEARN / iCONS and will help you pass the Agilelearn® Agile Master Certified exam and get certified.
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AgileLearn® Scaled Agile Master Certified
AgileLearn® Scaled Agile Master Certified is a cross-practice qualification aimed at providing the knowledge needed to scale Agile approaches in organizations.
Scaled AgileLearn Master Certified course is aimed at governance bodies and teams in charge of scaling agility or having to support it.
This course is provided by iLEARN / iCONS and will help you pass the Agilelearn® Scaled Agile Master Certified exam and get certified.
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AgileLearn® Lean IT Foundation
Lean IT Foundation helps IT organizations to ensure that they provide their customers with the best possible services. Through understanding customer value, the processes that deliver this value, the way to manage performance, the way to organize and the required attitude and behavior, IT organizations are helped to develop a continuous improvement mindset. Lean IT is complementary to all other best practice methods.
This course is provided by iLEARN / iCONS and will help you pass the AgileLearn® Lean IT Foundation exam and get certified.
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ScrumLearn® Scrum Master Certified
The Scrum Master Certified course provides candidates with the necessary knowledge for Scrum implementation in business-as-usual and agile projects or activities. Moreover, the course prepares the participants for the Scrum Master Certified exam (also known as Certified Scrum Master - CSM) to obtain the corresponding Scrum Master certification.
This course is provided by iLEARN / iCONS and will help you pass the ScrumLearn® Scrum Master Certified exam and get certified.
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ScrumLearn® Scrum Product Owner Certified
Scrum Product Owner Certified is fit-for-purpose for whoever is interested in having a deep understanding of Scrum. The course prepares the participants for the Scrum Product Owner Certified exam.
This course is provided by iLEARN / iCONS and will help you pass the ScrumLearn® Scrum Product Owner Certified exam and get certified.
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